Friday , 3 May 2024
The Rajoelina-Vital régime and its latest Cabinet meeting patched up a draft bill concerning the amnesty act. The draft logically pushes for the exclusion of the exiled former president from the next presidential election. It is all for another law manipulation, part of the political calculation deemed to insure the HAT´s grip on power.

Amnesty act: draft bill presented by the HAT´s Cabinet meeting

The string of law suits against the latest democratically and unchallenged regime has unambiguously made the ruling power´ strategy crystal clear. The campaign which led to the year 2009´s putsch was first of all deemed to demonize the previous regime. Ruling its key political figures from the political scene was the next step. The HAT´s incoming act of oblivion is, as a matter of fact, serving this end 

The Rajoelina authority´s draft bill is appearing as pragmatic. The TGV used openly politically motivated law suits in order to get rid of all of the previous regime´s democratically elected officials. The act of oblivion was basically supposed to be apply to breaches having occurred between 2002 and 2008. The ruling power finally decided to include those of 2009 too in the end. 

Such a favor done to its own political prisoners is obviously politically motivated. It is to be meant and presented as one of Andry Rajoelina´s dear concessions. On the other side, the act of oblivion is equally serving as life insurance for the putsch makers themselves. Could everything potentially fall through, they would bet on gratitude. 

Draft bill  

The HAT and its government is putting an act of oblivion concerning political infringements and related breaches of the law having occurred between 2002 and now. Murders, illegal arrests, kidnappings and illegal exploitation of national wealth are not to be forgiven. Suspects in the February 07th case will not be granted the Rajoelina amnesty. 

The HAT´s other political prisoners can expect to be pardoned. The concerned offenses and crimes are matters of violation of the constitution, breach of peace, and attempt against state security… In order to lower tensions in the armed forces, the pardoned officers will be allowed to recover their former position. The prisoners are going to have to write a demand of amnesty down, to be sent the national conference of reconciliation, within a year following the law´s enactment. This institution will be supported by the HAT´s justice ministry. 

But why on earth addressing an act of oblivion, whereas the roadmap related negotiations are far from over? The HAT and the Rajoelina sphere in control of all of the transitional institutions are achieving another accomplished fact deemed to definitely rule their most dangerous challengers out of from their private elections. Although the TGV rejected the national reconciliation in order to deny credit to former president Albert Zafy, it does intend to empower a similar institution of its own, and grant amnesty its own way