Friday , 17 May 2024
The negotiations tackled in Pretoria have clearly been displaying from scratch that Rajoelina Andry's worse nightmare is Marc Ravalomanana come back to the Great Isle, together with his pending electoral challenge. The young putsch maker is trying everything to block the ousted president's come back. His/her/its true nightmare is to see Marc Ravalomanana participating in the presidential vote.

Andry Rajoelina or the fear of polling boxes’ verdicts

Rajoelina’s long time attitude is reflecting nothing but the fear of the fair electoral choice to be expressed by “the people”. Andry Rajoelina relies on nothing else but the shoot out of February 7th, 2009. Marc Ravalomanana’s HAT condemnation is the single left excuse to exit the president reelected in 2006. 

The slaughter of February 7th, 2009 is, however, not yet a done deal in itself. A unilateral condemnation of Marc Ravalomanana in this case would naturally be to big to be swallowed that easily. Worldwide broadcasted records unequivocally displayed crowds purposedly enfuriated and thrown over the presidential palace’s fence by Rajoelina’s spokesmen in spite of a serious warning from the presidential guard as Ambohitsorohitra is being classified as a red no go area.