Monday , 20 May 2024
The transitional leader turned out a very personal look back on the year 2011 when holding it as the year of the recovery of international recognition. He pointed at the opposition´s politicians, blaming them for the" dirty atmosphere" undergone by Madagascans. The leader of an imposed regime actually had to bear the opposition constantly standing on his way, and praises now his own devotion which arguably put an end to the crisis.

Andry Rajoelina´s look back on the year 2011

Andry Rajoelina is no more a simple leader of a junta which seized power through a putsch but a transitional leader recognized as such by the opposition´s signature on the roadmap. He obviously holds this performance of his as the top highlight of a year 2011 fully dedicated to the roadmap. 
“My duty consisted in recovering of a solution to the political crisis and doing my best to develop a successful transition it in spite of those pulling behind whenever a step has been cleared “, he declared in his speech to the nation at  the end of the year. 
Andry Rajoelina holds the implementation of the roadmap as a done deal for the institutions of the transition are ready. The unilateral policy was preserved, for the HAT´s leader allowed merely enough inclusiveness for the sake of collecting legitimacy for his power and refused the consensus. The elected mayor of Antananarivo has actually not yet been internationally recognized as anything at all.
“The recognition is beginning to draw itself up. Some people used to believe that the would not be accepted by the international community, but now it is “, it declared with optimism. “As a matter of fact, it has taken time and claimed painful sacrifices from time to time” he added.  
In March 2011, the Rajoelina sphere signed a roadmap draft, locked itself in a totalitarian unilateral policy false and entrusted the key to a fake national unity government. No international recognition was to be expected without a move from the opposition´s spheres. The transitional leader charged the opposition with whatever is to be blamed on his own power.  
“Some figures condemned the Malagasy people to breath dirty air polluted by the scent of power struggles and selfishness, let alone the isolated brands here and there “, complained Andry Rajoelina. After three years of illegal and totalitarian power, the sharing costum unequivocally dies down, doesn´t it? 
“No matter out well did criticizers and bunglers do their office, we did not duck out of my responsibility and held on to the very end”. Andry Rajoelina assigns what he and most likely only he holds as a victory to the patient Madagascans engulfed in a crisis since 3 years.   
The Rajoelina régime´s alleged social success is a matter of a couple of points: keeping fuel prices under control and selling rice out relatively cheaply in order to coax mobs. 
Andry Rajoelina declared that he would offer elections in 2012 the Malagasy people, namely the power to provide the TGV led republic with a worthy president. Details would be coming next. In between, the transitional leader orders the opposition to stop demonstrating in the street and kindly sit down around a table in order to make his version of a consensual transition believable.