Saturday , 4 May 2024
The countdown is close to an end, tensions are reaching a peak, the suspense is increasingly unbearable. The trend is predicting Prime minister Beriziky´s first failure in charge. The HAT´s supporters are rather pressuring the Zafy sphere´s favorite one so that he drops the towel just as a certain Eugene Mangalaza did after the negotiations´ Maputo episode. The opposition´s claim for key position cannot be ignored.

Beriziky government: underway to a bogged down consensus, isn´t it?

The Ravalomanana sphere made peace with the Zafy sphere and the Monima party, and the HAT recovered the good old opposition front on its way. The three groups are requiring 50% of the national unity governmental positions in order to maintain the balance. The Rajoelina sphere must defend a fragile leadership. Its champions are seemingly not competing for the right positions. The HAT keeps on expecting to the “royal” power promised to Andry Rajoelina to act beyond the laws and impose allies from TGV-UDR C inside each ministry. 

For lack of due power sharing pattern, the competition for key ministries came up to a political and economic interest war. The Foreign Office is no more a priority for political spheres now that the roadmap is being signed. The defense department remains under  the Rajoelina supportive commanders´ control. The finance department is however quite crucial. Even though the state´s accounts are everything but full, money remains a vastly relevant stake during this transition.     

The Justice department is equally under scrutinee. Christine Razanamahasoa seems already to be definitely deemed to warm the bench in spite of her loyalty to the HAT. The detention of political prisoners and the misuse of justice cannot turn into a boost for anyone´s ministerial career. The Ravalomanana sphere´s candidates would be in good position but the HAT doesn’t give in that easily. The roadmap´s famous article 20 remains at the whole issue´s heart. The political forces actually do closely link the justice department´s and Marc Ravalomanana´s political fate. 

In any case, the TGV/UDR C appears bound to summon up all of its forces to retain the ministry in charge of managing mining resources. The imposed authority´s relentlessness has its roots into the very unconstitutional regime change´s incentives. The revelations of the ecological disaster caused by oil exploitation and exploration are urgently calling upon guarantees to be granted to the HAT´s “partners”. The Zafy sphere seems likely to launch a large scale “ampamoaka” and bring these illegal contracts to light. It even put the ideal candidate forth, an expert in oil business management intensively trained in the United States. 

This battle for three ministries is likely to completely stuff the process. The national unity Prime minister can definitely not make each and everyone happy. The Ravalomanana sphere threatens to withdraw its confidence in Omer Beriziky, could there be no balance  within the government. On the other hand, the core hard of the Rajoelina sphere would like the new Prime minister himself to withdraw and resign rather than to leave any key position to the opposition. Both cases are jeopardizing the whole of the implementation of the roadmap. The Troika will certainly have to referee the duel once again.