Saturday , 18 May 2024
The Rajoelina mobility is insisting on monopolizing all of the sovereignty ministries and challenges the other mobilities on the strategic departments. The president of the Transition does not rule out the possibility to keep on governing with ministers from the Roindefo II government. Fetison Andrianirina, Transition's Co President officially stated that a meeting of mobility leaders to be held abroad proves to be necessary.

Broken down government: the executive layer’s showdown

Fetison Andrianirina, Co President of the Transition, created the surprise when he introduced his statement about the Mangalaza government’s launching failure. “We four – the president of the Transition, both of the Transition’s Co Presidents and the National Unity government chief – have the duty to put these explanations forth”, he said, emphatically speaking in quality of Co President, and neither in his nor in the name of the Ravalomanana mobility. “We are calling for your blessing because the four mobilities will be forced to engage talks abroad again”, declared Fetison Andrianirina.  


The former Ravalomanana mobility’s delegation chief outlined that this move abroad proved necessary since two mobility leaders are not in the country, namely Mr. Ratsiraka, and Mr. Ravalomanana.  “I am convinced that everything will end in a consensus”, he confirmed with optimism. Fetison Andrianirina tries to cherish the Malagasy mindset in face of this umpteenth stumbling block to negotiations between political mobilities. “I am asking the Malagasy people for its renewed trust in us, and to show evidence of patience “, he added.  


The Transition’s institutions might actually be short of one seldom parameter: time. To the impatience and to the weariness of the citizens is being added the pressure of partners and financial backers. The four “leaders” of the executive power do not hold that in account and want to play the clock. “One cannot hurry out, positive and negative points have to be assessed “, explained Fetison Andrianirina. He recognized that there is a bottleneck. “We do not deny that the situation is tricky; it requires patience, many people are keen on taking responsibilities whereas it is all about national matters”, he argued as a comment of the struggle for ministerial seats.   


Andry Rajoelina threatens to restore his arbitrary authority. “If the new government fails to come forth, the present ministers have better keep on working”, he stated while flattering his present ministers’ capacities. The president of the Transition estimates that the transitional government must be made of operational technicians instead of politicians. “If we do not want to work together, let the current leaders keep on leading”, he emphasized  


The president of the Transition is being accused by the other three mobilities of being at the source of the present stumbling block while referring to the Malmaison agreement. He bluntly replied: “there are the mobilities holding on to their positions, if the government fails to be put in place, let us end the story there”. According to Andry Rajoelina, he has allegedly already agreed on huge concessions whereas it is, once again allegedly, the role of the elders. The other mobilities are blaming his boastful attitude. The young TGV is, once again, trying to look down on the consensus, and to have the last word in the end.