Sunday , 19 May 2024
The HAT´s parliament´s extraordinary session is the sign of the political resumption after a short break. The overstrained convention is likely to ask for a substantial price for the acceptation of the TGV government´s electoral law, for having been let down in the parliamentary immunity issue

Cold war between the HAT and its Convention

The transitional parliament has been convened by the HAT for an extraordinary session in order to vote the electoral law deemed to govern the local elections expected to be held in 2011.  The ruling power may reckon with support from the transitional superior Council directed by the TGV Dolin Rasolosoa, but that of the convention is different issue. Raharinaivo Andrianantoandro used criticism and irony in his spoken challenge of the executive power in the run of a solidarity stand with the other congress members. The cold war between the non elected deputies and the non elected president is declared.   
Everything started with the HAT government´s offensive aiming at putting Ezéquiel Razafindramaro down in a rose wood smuggle case. His congress colleagues opposed the attempt and stated that he would merely be a small gun engulfed in a bad adventure. “We do respect the HAT´s decision; we however don’t understand why aren´t we allowed the same rights as the deputies although texts passed by our respective chambers are equally rated “, emphasized Raharinaivo Andrianantoandro.   
For being convinced that the ruling power holders and their proxies are involved in the smuggle, the transitional Congress confirms the creation of a parliamentary investigation commission for the rose wood case. “The smuggle is a long time story, how come has the law so far been being ignored? how come are merely the small guns arrested and threatened while the biggest fishes are remaining free or abroad “, insisted the president of the transitional Convention.   
Raharinaivo Andrianantoandro condemns the HAT´s plan to compel the parliament to accept an electoral law draft whereas the bases of a new democracy, namely the laws on parties and on the opposition´s status, are still eluding.   
The TIM party´s defector is emphatically drawing the attention on an amnesty act which must be passed before the elections. This is definitely not to the government´s liking. He appeared surprised that the call for a vote of the electoral code of local elections was not followed by a call for a vote of the amnesty act. “It is an appeasement measure pledging the settlementf the crisis before any vote “, explained Raharinaivo Andrianantoandro.     
Unilateral elections are being prepared in order to get rid of the last elected TIM party members and pave the Rajoelina sphere´s way to success in the legislative and presidential elections. The HAT is trying to have its thing done in two or three weeks: have its electoral code voted, have the roadmap signed though remaining allowed to arrest the president in exile Marc Ravalomanana could he ever go back home, play the amnesty act down and bring voters to polls.   
The local elections will be an accomplished fact expected to be internationally recognized. They are worth it, even before the recovery of constitutional order. The HAT has a lot to win, not that much to lose.