Friday , 26 April 2024
In spite of an arrest warrant, the Co President of the late Transition successfully met the President of the African Union's Commission, Jean Ping, during the International Contact Group's on going mission in Antananarivo.

Fetison Andrianirina meets Jean Ping

Few hours following his arrival, Jean Ping, President of the African Union’s Commission has been meeting various political figures in the Carlton hotel. Part of them also appeared Fetison Andrianirina, Transition’s Co President from the Marc Ravalomanana mobility. The man is yet being threatened by an arrest warrant. From his hideaway, he has, however, specified his anxiousness to meet Jean Ping. It is now a done deal.
Fetison Andrianiriana had the opportunity to share his assessment of the present situation with the President of the AU Commission. The situation has not been changing much during the last weeks. The High Authority of Transition keeps going on all alone while the other political mobilities are waiting for the Andry Rajoelina’s next U-turn.
Jean Ping is clearly intending to refresh the country’s political situation before his departure. But it will not be easy. Rajoelina’s close collaborators are apparently ready to concede a postponement of the legislative elections so far meant to take place on March 20th, but nothing else.