Friday , 17 May 2024
The four mobilities must find a consensus about the Prime minister. The international Contact Group is insisting to get the topic decided very quickly. Monja Roindefo is more than likely off the race.

Four mobilities: which national unity Prime minister?

Andry Rajoelina on top of the transition, the ICG does not seem to be especially opposed to the option, neither does the Zafy mobility. The definitive opposition from the Ravalomanana mobility and Didier Ratsiraka’s reluctance will not alter the balance. The main reason of such stands is that, the State business management and the organization of elections will be the Prime Minister’s duty. The transitional president will only be an honorary and formal role. 

In this sense, the big winner is undisputedly the Ratsiraka mobility. Following Mrs. Ramisandrazana, former Prime minister Tantely Andrianarivo’s cabinet director, the former home affairs minister, Jean Jacques Rasolondraibe, the name of Eugene Mangalaza, a former deputy, has been put forth as potential nominees, all of them from the admiral’s camp. 

Eugene Mangalaza could benefit from the consensus because of his minor involvement in the past leading powers. He specially enjoys the advantage of being from the coastal regions, to make a suitable duet with a president from the central plates. These ethnic criteria would have been used by the Rajoelina mobility to rule Mrs. Ramisandrazana’s candidacy out, as she is Merina born. 

The Rajoelina mobility might well loose the Prime Minister’s job, whereas the Ravalomanana mobility still refuses to have Antananarivo’s elected mayor on top of the country. Fetison Andrianirina has yet pleaded for the president of the Monima party. “If the appointment of Monja Roindefo as Prime minister is approved by the four mobilities, the Ravalomanana mobility will not stand against it”, he has declared. 

Marc Ravalomanana’s delegation chief criticized Andry Rajoelina’s speech part concerning his conditions addressed to financial backers, namely the requirement for a written engagement to unblock founds, and to suspend sanctions directed at Madagascar, against his return to the negotiation process. “The de facto authorities are amazing us by pretending to force the international community to take a stand. It is our duty as Malagasy to resolve the crisis and then to negotiate with the financial backers”, he explained. 

The implementation of the Maputo I agreements crashed on the appointment of the government chief. Stimulated by the Forces for Change made of parties which caught the running TGV train, Monja Roindefo stubbornly hung up to his seat. The job seems devoted to the Ratsiraka mobility. The three vice Prime ministers will come from the three other mobilities. The HAT, to be reconverted in a Superior Transitional Council, remains under the Rajoelina mobility’s grip. The Ravalomanana mobility should be making shift with controlling the Convention.  

The Transition’s vice-presidency is for the Zafy mobility. The former Prime minister Emmanuel Rakotovahiny is bound to make the step. And once again, Andry Rajoelina would be attempted to offer some sort of compensation to his bother-in-arms. Monja Roindefo as vice-president of the transition, the idea is on its way within the ranks of the Rajoelina mobility. The allies of the TGV do not have much care about the Maputo agreements, to the point of claiming modifications of the supposedly founding texts of the Transition.