Saturday , 18 May 2024
The mobility leaders and national unity transitional institutions' chiefs' return from exile is the pro Zafy HPM's new creed. The Rajoelina mobility takes advantage from the diversion and unilaterally moves forward. The pro-HAT FDC successfully restored its champion at the heart of the imposed transitional process.

HPM vs. FDC: enforced exile and transition

The HPM, the union of political forces behind the Zafy mobility, spotted things coming up. “The Rajoelina administration is looking for fake incentives to boycott political negotiations for good”. There was no done deal in Maputo, Prime minister Eugene Mangalaza had to bring the “propositions” or “resolutions” to president Rajoelina. The HPM are, therefore, calling upon the imposed authorities to allow the immediate return of delegations exiled by force in Africa. Subsequently to the ban on flights from Mozambique, they reached South Africa. They did not reckon with the Rajoelina government’s determination to block their return in the country whatever it would take. The air links with Nelson Mandela’s country has also been locked. “Since the signature of the additional act of Addis Ababa, these people are already institution’s chief “, emphasized the HPM. It, besides, considers those who laid their signatures on the orders meant to block the delegations’ return and to ban any flights from SADC country members from entry in the Malagasy air space, as no more acting ministers. In any case, the Justice Minister Christine Razanamahasoa confirmed that there was no warrant against politicians stranded in Maputo. The arbitrary ban to enter the territory is purely political, even though the official motive remains the risk to jeopardize public order. The Forces for Change, gathering Andry Rajoelina’s allies welcomed the measure aiming to force the three mobilities’ leaders and the institutions’ chiefs into exile. Its mobility reinforced the pressure on the imposed president so that it continues to rule alone. “Let him hold on to its point: cohabitation is, as from now on, impossible”. It irretrievably hints casting the transitional scheme drafted according to the agreements of Maputo and Addis Ababa aside. The HAT, the home of those Forces for Change, would, from then on, the single effective institution. Andry Rajoelina obliged. He is not going to put the whole of his mobility in his wagon to create a single mindset congress. As for the economic and social council, having the influential members of the civilian society getting involved into the so unilateral diagram is not that so likely. Andry Rajoelina can, and will only count on his supporters. The question of the government has been dropped for a while in the setting of this U-turn to the dictatorial transition. The issue is now settled: Monja Roindefo’s ministers are kept in charge until the legislative elections meant to be held in March 2010, most likely without Prime minister at all. Officially replacing the national unity Prime Minister Eugene Mangalaza is a more delicate issue. By excluding the other mobilities’ leaders, potentially kept in forced exile at least until March 10th, 2010, the Rajoelina mobility is giving itself the means to keep the government of its taste in place, and to make it up as an inclusive one. The president of the HAT gave in again to his allies’ pressure. Following the decapitation of the opposing camps, it is, hopefully, easier to face up to the elections. The exile enacted by the Rajoelina administration unfolds its whole purpose.