Friday , 17 May 2024
The still temporary report of the Hubert tropical storm’s taken toll from Madagascar's southeastern has, so far, recorded 14 casualties and more than 30.000 homeless victims.

Hubert, more devastating than expected

The rescue is progressively coming forth. Rising water levels are making emergency help transportation significantly more complicated than previously feared. 

The city of Mananjary is part of those mostly drowned underwater following the tropical storm’s visit. “The city has never had to face up to a storm of that extent since the 70’s” according a witness. 

Many regions and their cabins are being drowned. The national natural disaster management office (BNGRC) is in action. Some weeks of work might prove necessary to tackle the material damages issue, even without the most solid buildings, if ever. There has actually been cases in which damages caused by storms have been failing from being rehabilitated for several years.