Sunday , 19 May 2024
Colonel Richard Ravalomanana produced serious warnings for the HAT's opponents willing demonstrate on June 26th, 2010. The independence's 50th birthday is a top security ceremony, no jaywalking allowed. Whoever is to be held guilty of calling to disobedience will be tracked in priority, announce the Emmo Reg's commander.

June 26th: the Emmo Reg promises retaliation to trouble makers


No demonstration allowed during June 26th’s celebrations. Colonel Richard Ravalomanana subsequently presented the pending retaliation measures against whoever likely to oppose the HAT at the time of the official ceremonies. “Everything necessary will be undertaken so that the independence day is celebrated in peace” announced the Emmo Reg’s commander. “Not a detail likely to lead to unrests will be tolerated “, he added.  


The HAT does not want to have to deal with resistant’s’ demonstrations, as those occurred during this year’s remembrance ceremony for 1947’s uprising. ” There will be no tolerance if March 29th are repeating”, warned colonel Ravalomanana. The colonel is putting forth the celebration’s nature as being that of the armed and police forces’ honor, meant to be protected, even if it comes to break the law through doubtful operations.  


As so provocative as usual in front of cameras, Colonel Ravalomanana made a serious warning to those eager to oppose the armed services. “Do keep away from hitting any officer, since we will find you back, could you be hiding 5 meters underground, we know where you are, we have our sources!” The Emmo Reg’s deterrent begins with the press, even though it, somehow, looks like bragging.  


The hinted trouble makers’ names would already be on the Emmo Reg’s cards. “Some people are straining to create unrests through operations “Karana “, operations “Chinese “, operations “Frenchies”, trying to deter people form hoisting the flag, tracking them is our priority “. Colonel Ravalomanana is used to spread terror instead of serenity in order to let it be known that police forces are doing their job. Everyone remembers the big threat served to the audience in the run of the seizure of some one hundred hunting rifles by the customs department:” one hundred communes potentially ruined “.   


In this case, the policemen turned into thieves. The seized 93 Baycal rifles have been diverted; 32 were recovered by investigators. “The 61 remaining are already located, we know where they are “, announced colonel Ravalomanana. “We detected hunting rifle traffic, someone has been detained but later released, we recovered 7 rifles in his home”. The Emmo Reg’s commander spoke about a “hunting rifles laundering “. 09 suspects from the 18 have been charged, and a custom-officer was temporarily released.