Sunday , 5 May 2024
the former first lady gets a move on and recover the country's political and economic front scenes. Now that her application has reached the Special Electoral Court, she made to Manjakandriana to visit one of the TIKO corporation's factories, completely brought to its knees by four years of organized looting

Lalao Ravalomanana to the rescue of TIKO

Lalao Ravalomanana’s emotion could not be but obvious as she discovered what was left from the TIKO corporation’s factory located in Manjakandriana. The facilities have all been ruined, the equipment wholly rusting down. The former first lady schedules further visits countrywide into other of the TIKO corporation’s factories which did not escape the same fate. The factories belonging to the TIKO group founded by Marc Ravalomanana have been regularly assaulted, set alight and looted fron January 26th, 2009 on. These attacks have not yet fully stopped, according to the corporation’s officials