Saturday , 18 May 2024

Madagascar as guest of honor in the Festival “Changé d’Air”

Madagascar is a guest of honor during the Festival entitled “Changé d’Air” (Change environment), taking place from November 15 to 25 in Changé, near Mans. Madagascar chooses the following theme for its participation in the event: « Madagascar, sanctuaire d’une nature à part, la biodiversité malgache est sans pareille » (Madagascar, sanctuary of a unique wildlife, the Malagasy biodiversity is one of a kind). In addition to its ecological dimension (protecting environment, safeguarding the ecosystem and some endemic species), the festival “Changé d’Air” will also address the social and human aspects as well as the disastrous impacts of the plundering of lands and natural reserves, usually done by foreign companies, on the local community.

In order to effectively highlight those issues during the festival, some individuals will bring testimonies regarding their first-hand experience with natural reserves plundering in Madagascar. Some of these participants include, Franck Fretzner, an eco-volunteer of the Association “Salamandra Nature”, who worked for 6 months in the Ranomafana national park, Patrick Ramonjavelo, President of the Association “Finaritra”, and the Association “Terre des Hommes”, which supports the effort for the defense of Malagasy lands.