Sunday , 19 May 2024
Several hundreds of soldiers, including special forces units joined the southern part of Madagascar. Their mission: looking after Andry Rajoelina’s security, for the transitional leader calls in at the regional hotspots.

Malagasy special forces in the South to protect Andry Rajoelina

The armed forces’ top command equally made the trip. They honored on September 10th a ceremony in remembrance of those of their club, fallen in action so far. In the past week, one officer and four other privates lost their lives in clashes with Dahalo, these cattle robbers who turned the island’s southern and western parts into a war zone. Andry Rajoelina decided to join the area and officially launch a military operation expected to be decisive into restoring order as well as any available rule of law. All of the previous operations have been failing, for the Dahalo proved to be a fierce enemy: after swift raids on isolated villages, they wither just as so swiftly and melt into the population. The army has so far been running after ghosts, spreading terror among innocents, executing some of them, everything but scaring the enemy away.

At least, Andry Rajoelina will not have to fear for his precious head during his short visit in the southern part of Madagascar. His Colonel Lylson is on the watch, as well as heavily armed special forces. Andry Rajoelina will be in perfect security. As for the local population, flight and uncertainty will have to be resorted to in order to enjoy a mere slice of such a privilege and survive the Dahalo raids