Sunday , 19 May 2024
The legalistic militants were disappointed somewhat following the resolution of the extraordinary meeting of the SADC, in South Africa, on June 20th. The meeting didn't meet the expectations of Marc Ravalomanana's supporters who long only for" the military option" for the return to constitutional order.

Marc Ravalomanana: Legality at all costs



Cold shower. It is precisely the legalistic sensation as hearing that it will be necessary, as specified by the resolution, to return to the negotiation table with the putsch’s authors. After close to six months of demonstration of support of Marc Ravalomanana, they expected an effective military intervention from the SADC, they must be patient once again.  


The exiled president had to cherish his men up. Marc Ravalomanana intervened by telephone at his supporters’ gathering, on Monday June 22nd 2009, to announce that Madagascar will have to return to legality ” by all means “. He sustained that” countries members of the SADC already support this effort, without specifying however the rejection ” the military option”  on June 20th. The president in exile suggested keeping on demonstrating until his return in the country.  


Marc Ravalomanana had to react likewise to prevent the definitive crumble of the mobilization. Military repression by High Authority of Transition continues even more. ON Saturday June 20th, the walk of a legalistic group that headed toward the rally place in Ankorondrano has been dispersed violently by the police forces.   


The next meeting of the SADC will normally be held only by next September. The legalistic must keep up to hold on until this deadline. Otherwise the president in exile must think over another plan to guarantee his security during a possible return in the Great Island.