Monday , 6 May 2024
The snapshot nearly went down unnoticed. Kung fu aster Avoko, disciple of Wisa fighting style, was standing next to Didie Ratsiraka when he landed in on December 24th. Avoko would have apparently forgiven the former president. In 1985, under Didier Ratsiraka´s socialist dictatorship, Kung fu Master Piera Be as well as some of his disciples were slaughtered by heavily armed soldiers in Ambatomainty. He was Avoko´s father.

Master Avoko: Forgiveness and reconciliation, are they?

Piera Be and his friends were suspected of planning a putsch. The capital city´s inhabitants clearly remember that tensions between kung-fu disciples and the socialist regime progressively reached a climax by that time, as Antananarivo city´s inhabitants defeated wandering bands of outlaws serving the regime´s masterminds. The successfull counterstrike was led by local kung fu fighters. 
Proximity between the late Piera Be´s family and Didier Ratsiraka has been repeatedly going around for years. But it is definitely the first time that Master Avoko was seen standing beside his father´s hangman