Friday , 17 May 2024
Friday October 28th, 2011, 23h15, the HAT´s leader officially appointed Omer Beriziky as national unity Prime minister, chief of an incoming transitional government. No wonder. Andry Rajoelina chose the international unity´s option.

Omer Beriziky appointed as transitional unity Prime minister

“I am standing among you as transition Prime Minister with a certain emotion and a lot of humility”, so read Omer beriziky´s first reaction. The rewarded nominee out of 15 candidates thanked the transitional president for his confidence, as well as the former president Albert Zafy for his evidence of openness. “I am personally no militant for his sphere” he conceded. 

“I promise to respect the roadmap and pledge the Malagasy fihavanana and the dialogue. The transition´s mission is the country´s recovery of constitutional normality through free and transparent elections, results of which will be accepted worldwide” , declared Omer Beriziky.. He subsequently announced that his government would tackle a certain set of measures.   

“I do thank political spheres and parties which silenced their ambition so that I become named Prime minister “, added Omer Berziky moreover. Prior to the nomination ceremony, the HAT´s spokeswoman recalled the national unityPrime minister´s prerogatives. He will namely have to share ministerial positions with fareness in accordance with the political and regional balances. Andry Rajoelina declared on his part, that the government’s policy would be focusing on healthcare, security, and on the return of financial backers. 

The nomination ceremony was delayed over no less than 4 hours. Andry Rajoelina´s excuse was alleged highly relevant talks about national matters. He is however claiming the choice as his very personal one. “The transition and the country do need a righteous and honest man” he has declared. The president of the HAT equally recalled that he wants ” someone of confidence able to direct the transition up to the end, for there is an important objective to achieve “. 

“The choice was not easy, since variables are complicated and the Prime minister´s challenge, huge. The choice had to be completed because the country must move on,the decision was taken in wisdom. It is a decision that I belong to me all alone, takes in wisdom, It was my very own decision for selfishness must be granted no room in the management of the country “, declared Andry Rajoelina. Currious paradox, isn´t it? 

The political trimmings of this choice are for the time being a mystery for the whole political class. Omer Beriziky is actually member of the Leader Fanilo party, quite supportive of the HAT. As by chance, professor Zafy chose as a result of a meeting with the south-African ambassador. 

The new Prime minister is fully unknown on the political scene Madagascar. He has been having a large diplomatic career, namely as ambassador at the European Union in Brussels. Before his nomination, Beriziky Omer was held as the national unity´s best chance by the international financial backers