Sunday , 19 May 2024
A first death supposedly caused by the H1N1 flu has been reported by the capital city HJRA Hospital. The healthcare sector begins to get very concerned.

One suspected swine flu related death reported


The capital city’s healthcare authorities clearing for action! The death of a seventy years old woman at the HJRA hospital by the beginning of the week has definitely rang the alarm bell. The deceased patient had symptoms of the sickness, and actually had Tamiflu at range, the drug used again swine flu.


Doctors and healthcare authorities are currently addressing the case. During the latest days, the H1N1 flu has proved to be a cause for concern. 500 confirmed cases have been reported throughout Madagascar. The region of Antananarivo is no more the pandemic’s single target. Isolated cases have actually been reported in the country’s western region of Sofia.


In the capital city, mobile squads are reaching H1N1 flu contaminated patients, in order to follow them up and prevent the spread of the pandemic.


Since the latest few days, schools have been closely monitored by healthcare authorities. Safety measures have, besides, been advised. Any discovery of a single first case will lead to the closing of the concerned school. So reads at least the authorities’ plan. Since the rain season happens to be favourable to the pandemic’s spread which can prove to be unprecedented at school.