Saturday , 4 May 2024
Political parties are denouncing the programmed dismissal of Monja Roindefo, Prime minister of the current High Authority of Transition.

Partisans of Monja Roindefo are revolting.

The divorce is a done deal. Andry Rajoelina and his Prime minister Monja Roindefo are parting of the ways. The young president of the HAT has accepted the principle of the appointment of a new national unity Prime minister. It means the dismissal of his makeshift collaborator, Monja Roindefo, appointed as government chief on the place of May 13th back in latest February, a little more than a month before mid-March’s putsch. 


Some groupings politically close to Monja Roindefos are currently mobilizing to oppose the dismissal. “Foreigners did enforce this decision, and Andry Rajoelina played their game” affirmed Gabriel Rabearimanana from the Monima party, headed by Monja Roindefo. Gabriel Rabearimanana’s allegations are directed at the international mediators in the Malagasy crisis who met on October 6th in Antananarivo. 


The Monima party, the AKFM, the Otrikafo and some nationalist political groupings are currently appearing outraged by this decision. They even speak of betrayal from Andry Rajoelina. The latter would have proposed the presidency of the Transition’s Superior Council to Monja Roindefo, but the government’s chief asked for more time to think about the new offer.  


According to these different political parties, none of which holding any genuine national audience, the international community would be committing a “Coup” in Madagascar by imposing the dismissal of Monja Roindefo.  


At present, since the agreement is in a stalemate, following Marc Ravalomanana’s refusal to buy into it, Monja Roindefo is remaining in charge. In the same way, some members of his government confirmed that they have no intention to resign. 


In the city of Toliara, in the south of the country, partisans of Monja Roindefo have already gone down to the street to protest against the dismissal of the Prime Minister.