Saturday , 21 September 2024
Rajoelina Andry's decision to put an end to the "consensual" Transition is the cause for the latest blow. The other mobilities signatory of the Maputo agreements expectedly oppose the legislative elections meant to be held on next year's March 20th.

Political mobilities oppose the legislative elections proposed by Rajoelina


The international community’s reactions are, for the time being, failing to come forth. Political fronts are appearing rather reluctant. Rajoelina’s decision to organize the poles on March 20th, 2010, will not solve the Malagasy political crisis, far from it. For having completed such an unilateral move, Andry Rajoelina only capitalizes his long time will to undisputedly rule the transition in defiance of the political agreements signed in Maputo and Addis-Ababa.   


Ange Andrianarisoa, from the Didier Ratsiraka front, freshly back from Pretoria, was among the first to oppose the unilateral legislative elections planned by Rajoelina. Levelo Boniface, former minister from the same team emulated him and confirmed that they would not accept such elections. 


In Madagascar, negative reactions are blossoming. The members of the Albert Zafy front met and immediately denounced these hurried elections.  


Marc Ravalomanana’s supporters are gathering on the Magro Ankorondrano on a daily basis, and bitterly criticize Andry Rajoelina’s band’s attitude. The “legalistic” entity’s founding father, Ambroise Ravonison, also rejected the elections of next March 20th in a statement. 


Andry Rajoelina is only widening and radicalizing political gaps through his announcement. The Malagasy crisis is on the way to get bogged down again in spite of the HAT’s thundering statements.