Friday , 3 May 2024
The civil servants’ unions and crisis time centers recently erected in each ministerial department will be in for a general warning strike on June 27th, 28th and 29th. On the day after the Independence Day, not a single public office will be opened

Public Services: General warning strike on June 27th

The civil servants’ anger is definitely escalating, isn’t it? Crisis time centers are from now on growing roots inside each state ministry. A three-day long general strike will develop right after the very National Day as an evidence of growing tensions in the showdown against the ruling power. Civil servants currently do feel quite cast aside. For over three years, trade unions have been addressing the High Authority of the transition concerning a certain number of claims of theirs without any feedback at all.

Judges, doctors, paramedics, Central Bank agents, Custom agents, public school teachers and university professors have all been requiring various things and all received the same answer. None of them would have had a single reason to complain as a matter of fact, had the ruling power not so openly and generously stuff the armed forces as it did out of  fear of a potential armed uprising. The putsch originated regime has rather dare the civilian wrath than having itself to face up to a putsch