Friday , 3 May 2024
The High Authority of Transition denied the purchase of type "Alouette" helicopters from the Belgian army.

Purchase of helicopters from Belgium: the HAT’s denial

Some understood that the High authority of Transition was clearing for action. Information on the purchase of helicopters” Alouette II” from the Belgian army has been denied by the HAT in a statement on this topic. 


Some independent sources specified indeed that the HAT was dealing the purchase of about twenty helicopters from the Belgian army. They would be helicopters acquired by Belgium in the sixties. For the Malagasy army, these helicopters could contribute to insure territorial integrity in case of foreign intrusion in the Great Isle.  


By the time the team of the Transition driven by Andry Rajoelina dreads the possible return of Marc Ravalomanana on the Madagascan territory, the HAT’s move is comprehensible, as well as the sending of soldiers and armoured vehicles in some coastal points of Madagascar in forecast of a possible attack. Although the purchase of about twenty helicopters when the country is short of financial help would hint quite a warlike attitude that could only harm even more an already not very gleaming Transition’s reputation. Some observers speak anyway of a” denial to confirm” from the HAT. These purchases would have been quite programmed, but probably cancelled for different motives. 


Anyhow, the High Authority of Transition already owns four helicopters and French army “joker” type light aircrafts. The gifts to the air force have been recently received with ceremony. According to other sources, the helicopter purchase has been decided before the reception of these grants and finally cancelled to avoid polemics.