Saturday , 18 May 2024
According to the Interior ministry's latest census, the Great Isle would have no less than some hundredths of political parties. Many political groupings have, however, shut doors during the latest years. A new census is definitely proving irretrievable.

The Home Affairs ministry is leading a new census of political parties


The HAT attempt to organize disgraced legislative elections in May is appearing as an occasion for the HAT interior ministry to operate a census of Madagascar’s political parties. A few years ago, there were officially some 160 of them in the books. 

SInce the High Authority of Transition seems bound to keep on with its legislative elections in May, the government is keen on making an idea of the likely competition. But it would also serve the putsch originated regime as a scale to assess its main rivals. Political parties are consequently invited by Cécile Manorohanta’s HAT Interior ministry, to log in to the ministry’s Political Affairs department up to next March 8th.