Saturday , 4 May 2024
The civil war within the new transitional regime is genuine. Prime minister Monja Roindefo is currently turning in the sight of some members of the High Authority of Transition.

The members of the HAT want Monja Roindefo’s head

It is, henceforth, increasingly difficult to hide the inner conflict with the Andry Rajoelina made transition. A session of the HAT, supposed to focus on the designation of a consensual prime minister, had to take place in the Senate’s palace of Anosy on Thursday the 24th of September, but it didn’t; it has been postponed for lack of minimum participant number. 


In clear, the session aimed at getting rid of Monja Roindefo. The disagreement between both of the Transition’s chiefs has become an open secret.  


In the ranks of Andry Rajoelina’s fierce defenders, some went as far as revealing that the  Monja Roindefo’s bodyguards arrested in the Mozambican capital city at the time of the Maputo summit were on the verge of doing it, namely terminate the inconvenient president of the HAT. 


The complication of the Andry Rajoelina – Monja Roindefo relationship is, now, linked to the implementation of the agreements signed in Maputo. Both men are forced to clear for action, because one of them will have to pull back in the end.  


Since the three other mobilities implied in the Maputo agreements categorically refuse to grant both the presidency and the prime minister’s seat all at a time to the Rajoelina mobility, one of those who deposed Marc Ravalomanana must make his mind up and hit the road.  


The question arises. Who will have to leave his seat? Monja Roindefo, Prime minister, or Andry Rajoelina, president of the High Authority of the Transition? The struggle is on, in the backstage, though, for the time being. The civil war within the Transition is definitely unleashing. The situation could eventually be quite lethal for those who operated a putsch way back in mid-March. 


This rivalry between the president of the HAT and his Prime minister is currently getting tense, as October 6th and the international mediators’ meeting are getting closer. A decision will have to be taken before this deadline. The HAT meeting supposed have deposed Monja Roindefo has allegedly been organized by Andry Rajoelina himself though he is physically out of the country. 


The legalistic camp, fully supportive of the exiled president Marc Ravalomanana, could take advantage from this flagrant polarization within the HAT. The international mediators’ meeting on October 6th in Antananarivo could, in these conditions, be decisive concerning the path to be followed in order to solve the Malagasy political crisis