Yes, they potentially would. The Minister gave not any more convincing word, pessimistically noticed the Unions and associations of journalists, considering that Minister Cyrille Reboza and his staff seem to mean no more than 10 radio stations all for most, whereas associations recall that no less than 80 radio stations have been silenced by the transitional ruling power all over the island. Cyrille Reboza may not expect to calm media professional experts’ fears this way, let alone by keeping a large majority of his predecessor’ staff in. Rolly Mercia was everywhere but in the Union’s hearts. The new Minister has sworn allegiance to the Leader Fanilo party and has no good command of the communication field. He will actually not have to do so. Bearing in mind that his ministry has merged with the ministerial department in charge of communications between institutions; the Communication department in itself will be mainly managed by his staff. No good news for journalists either, are they?
The Communication Minister broke silence for having repeatedly been called to accounts by reporters during the celebration of the world day of the press, on May 3rd, as well as by the FJKM Protestant Church expecting the RADIO FAHAZAVANA station to be allowed to broadcast again. The Minister declared that the sealed radio stations cases inherited from the transition would be reassessed.