Sunday , 5 May 2024
Since few weeks, the Prime Minister of the High Authority of Transition has been turning in stranded. His party is thrashing about bringing him its much needed support.

The Monima at full sail to defend Monja Roindefo

Monja Roindefo is completely down. He is definitely threatened from inside as well as from outside the transitional regime. The Monima party presided by him, is doing its possible best to try to save him. 


As far as the Monima party main leaders are concerned, the appointment of Monja Roindefo as Prime minister of the Transition is part of the “gains” from the popular movement which led to the ousting of Marc Ravalomanana way back in mid-March. 


“Monja Roindefo faced up to the repression on February 7th, he succeeded in convincing the militaries thereafter to turn away from Marc Ravalomanana”, shouted the Monima party’s national coordinator. As far as he is concerned, figuring out a replacement of the current government chief is definitely off the point. 


As a starting point of its campaign aiming at defending Roindefo, the Monima organized a public meeting in one of Antananarivo city council’s theater halls. A resolution has been adopted at the end of the gathering.  


The occasion has been more than indicated for the party, especially as everyone is talking more than ever about the necessity to return to the negotiation table.  

From October 6th, the group of the international mediators will commit to find the best solution to put an end to the Malagasy crisis. A meeting is being programmed in Antananarivo to this end. The pressure is huge for political mobilities, even more for Andry Rajoelina, who has just undergone an international slap from the UN, and his Prime minister Monja Roindefo. 


The Monima party draws the heavy artillery then. The resolution of the party’s meeting with some local political groupings recommended to deny the entry on Malagasy soil to the representatives of Southern African Development Community (SADC), because the motion which denied Andry Rajoelina the right to address the United Nations’ General Assembly stemmed from this organization, allegedly considering the HAT president as an “awkward figure…empowered by a putschist government. 


Thus, “The Monima is calling upon the population to refuse the stay of the SADC’s delegation in Madagascar” stated the party’s coordinator. The statement is an inch away from incitement to violence. “We ask the population to join the airport and protest with streamers if representatives of the SADC come to Madagascar for the meeting of October 6th” confirmed another Monima leader.  


The crisis of 2009 would have been Monja Roindefo’s opportunity to make his party emerge from oblivion. This party founded by Monja Jaona has lost the strength to play in the court of big boys on the national political scene. At the time of the latest presidential election back in 2006, Monja Roindefo barely won a single percent of national votes. He is certainly intending to make a better score, could another occasion come.