Thursday , 13 February 2025
The MBS (Malagasy Broadcasting System), the radio and TV stations group founded once by former president Marc Ravalomanana is said to be considering the resumption of its activities according to its officials. In the run of a press conference, the MBS station's editor in chief and lawyers emphatically reminded that the station happens to be free to recover on air at will since actually no justice sentence bans it from doing so.

The ruling power deny the MBS station the right to come back for now

This famous press conference serves the MBS leaders well, namely as a general briefing on their engaged talks with the Communication ministry. The Great Game begins. The ministry requires additional documents from the station’s leaders, for instance technical check-up related documents in case of broadcast resumption. As a remainder, the MBS station has been mobbed and set ablaze five years ago in January 2009 in the run of the putsch directed against the then president Marc Ravalomanana. The station’s leaders formally let the current ministry of communication know of their intentions to resume broadcasting. Nothing but a simple formal letter was agreed to prove necessary to do so, since back in 2009, after the completion of the political putsch, the end of the MBS station and its personnel’s leave came to the ministry’s knowledge through nothing but a simple formal letter as well. The talks with the current ministry of communication are now developing, and the station’s position spoken by its editor in chief is simple: “The MBS station feels free to resume its activities whenever it pleases its board, since it has never been banned from doing so by any kind of administrative measure, let alone court decision. We believe the MBS station to be bound to no legal interference whatsoever, and therefore fully free to meet its commitment to venture in business, provide citizens with legal jobs, reliable information, and by so doing remaining true to the values of freedom of speech, expression and information.” As a first response from the ministry: the MBS station may not recover its former frequencies now assigned to some other TV stations. The station’s leaders hold it as a way too easy scheme to skirt around the issue and turn the right to broadcast again down. Great Game to be continued.