Friday , 3 May 2024
The SADC´s latest mission sailing under military colors temporarily made people tense, but tensions are now over. The Malagasy militaries signed the cease fire with the SADC´s generals after a short strain. The HAT´s diplomacy recognized the troika´s non violent intentions. The shared target remains the implementation of the roadmap. Each and every single article of the roadmap will be clearly explained in order to do away with contradicting interpretations.

The SADC´s mission contributing to the implementation of the roadmap

Tensions fainted away when Marius Fransman, the South African minister, and his political delegation sent by the SADC´s troika appeared. The HAT, the Rajoelina sphere and their allies are now allowed to relax, as both the escorted return for president Ravalomanana and a potential military invasion are off the point. Worries started when Mamy Rakotoarivelo announced that the SADC would be sending its military representatives to Madagascar.

Marius Fransman made stands clear immediately after reaching Antananarivo. The troika´s mission is deemed to address the implementation process for the roadmap signed on September, 16th 2011. This mission is going to draw up a clear explanation of each of this roadmap´s article. Used words such as “extension” actually deserve far more concrete details. The move is however no pledge for any success, bearing in mind that the HAT continuously does its own way: judicial threats and a squad to be sent to South Africa in order to arrest president Marc Ravalomanana are the most recent examples of its way to implement resolutions.

One month after the document´s signing, the situation failed to evolve. The political crisis merely entered the roadmap phase. The unilaterally acting authoritarian regime´s government did not resign to give room to a national unity government. The troika´s mission leader is although, expecting major changes to come true before the end of October 2011. “Political issues are hanging up to the conflicting parts´ will to move forward. The SADC is willing to put a calendar through. Institutions are expected to be on track by the end of the month”, responded the HAT´s foreign office.

“The SADC is standing up for a pacific solution. There are no reasons to panic, they are coming to address technical details for the roadmap´s implementation process related security concerns” declared Yvette Sylla, the HAT´s diplomacy´s number one, in order to alleviate tensions on her bosses´ minds as the SADC´s military mission appeared. The HAT definitely and quite nervously cleared for action by that time. Various army officers in command actually made no secret of their intentions to accept no order from the SADC´s generals in the name of their sovereignty. They were equally intending to deliver the least possible information to this potential spying mission.

The HAT´s and the SADC´s militaries finally reached a deal. They are expecting to “jointly deal with political concerns potentially deemed to impact on the country´s stability and security”. The SADC´s officers are thereupon to “support Madagascar´s security forces´ contribution to the recovery of a long term solution to the crisis as well as their management of the security related challenge”… slight blow for the HAT´s devoted militaries´ pride, for they are holding themselves perfectly able to master the situation… and the opponents