Monday , 6 May 2024
Violent clashes between rival villages of the southern part of Madagascar have been making casualties whose number remains inaccurately reported so far. The press generally put a hundredth of dead from the beginning of the conflict few months ago forward. As for the national disaster assistance response bureau, the BNGRC, it confirmed that several thousands of displaced populations following the destruction of some 400 houses.

The South dying down in wilderness. Any option at all?

The displaced populations are currently being taken care of by World Food Program, the Malagasy Red Cross and by the national assistance response bureau, the BNGRC. Those refugees are yearning to recover their homes, yet the situation remains much too hot to this. The clashes which has been turning villages against one another happen to be closely linked to the widespread cattle theft issue. And the national response remains shared about it. The government already proceeds to restore security by dispatching additional military boots onto the ground, whereas some other major figures are rather for the search of a peaceful settlement prior to that. Alphonse Maka, native southerner, former reporter and former congressman, pushes for instance for mediation between belligerent populations as first step towards a lull. “Local elders ought to be sent to the front lines of negotiation tables for the sake of the civilian population, for military solutions never proved efficient to do away with security issues in the southern part of the Great Isle” so sounded his point. In the present time, the village of Andranondambo, district of South Amboasary, is howling, short from having been leveled to the ground. The area used to be inhabited by Antandroy migrants attracted there by the flourishing saphir mines discovered a short time ago. They fell out with the village of Ambatotsimivala, inhabitant by resident Antanosy, partly blamed for presumed cattle theft cases. This was just one instance among many others. Further away, clans long bound by old bonds of friendship suddenly turn on each other without mercy. Alphonse Maka reported about the dispute between the Andriamagnary and Talandrovey clans which quickly surged into deadly series of score settlement. The former congressman was adamant on the fact that “little but ancestral values and traditional balance have to be restored in order to find a solution to this issue.”