Monday , 6 May 2024
The Ravalomanana, Zafy and Ratsiraka mobilities jointly responded to the transitional president led press offensive. In the opposite corner, Transition's Co Presidents, President of Congress, mobility leaders and mobility delegation chiefs jointly and officially accused Andry Rajoelina and his mobility of deliberately hampering the implementation of the agreements signed in Maputo and Addis Ababa.

Three vs. one: the other mobilities are pressing Andry Rajoelina

The three mobilities are requiring the holding of a meeting between the four leaders in the Mozambican capital city to produce a decision about the assignment of the disputed ministries. They stepped up pressure on Andry Rajoelina for a last round of negotiation, a potential Maputo III. Fetison Rakoto Andrianirina, Co President of the Transition openly denounced the current power’s will to block the situation. He emphasized that the meeting abroad is necessary in response to Andry Rajoelina’s attempt to avoid the occasion to lose again.  


For the Ravalomanana, Zafy and Ratsiraka mobilities, the potential meeting of Maputo III has a particular incentive:  bring down the yoke established over Madagascar by the dictatorial authorities following an unconstitutional government change. They are, therefore, calling upon targeted reactions from the international community, as well as a condemnation of the Rajoelina mobility’s violations of conventions and fundamental judicial basics. Fetison Andrianirina and Emmanuel Rakotovahiny, Co Presidents of the Transition, the leader Albert Zafy, the President of the Convention Mamy Rakotoarivelo and Ange Andrianarisoa, the Ratsiraka mobility’s delegation chief definitely capitalized, by their presence in the Carlton hotel, the triumvirate against Andry Rajoelina’s unilateral actions.  


Some six are still to be shared between the four mobilities. The Rajoelina mobility has already been entitled to 11 ministries out of 31. The ministry for Decentralization and Regional Development is the stake of its dispute with the Ravalomanana mobility. It challenges the Zafy mobility for the ministries for Energy and Mines, and National Education. Andry Rajoelina is finally in contention with admiral Ratsiraka about the ministries for Economy and Industry. A consensus has been found concerning the ministries for Justice and Communication; they are to be granted to neutral figures.  


Fetison Andrianirina denounced the Rajoelina mobility’s strategy: playing the clock in order to complete and pass the year 2010’s State budget through an arbitrary order. This duty is supposed to be entitled to a Finance Minister designated by the Ratsiraka mobility. In his statement about the deliberate bottleneck operated by Andry Rajoelina himself, the Transition’s Co President noticed the failure to dismiss the Roindefo government’s ministers, and the failure to designate either the transitional Superior Council’s President or the TGV  vice Prime minister.  


Previously accused by Andry Rajoelina of wanting the ministries” to rob and disrupt the transition”, the three mobilities fustigated the collaborators of the president of the HAT, who are hanging to their positions by keeping their leader under high pressure. The transitional leader should mind his home before looking for “thieves” outdoors. Fetison Andrianirina argued that the threats of unrest uttered by Andry Rajoelina’s political circle in case of success of the Maputo and Addis Ababa processes, are driving the transitional president to…hesitate. In Antsiranana, Andry Rajoelina reiterated his coward strategy. “No, no and no again” to a new meeting in Maputo, he claimed one day after the three other mobilities’ declaration.