Friday , 17 May 2024
Following its latest evidence of unilateral will at the transitional superior council, the TGV-UDR tandem hushed up the scandal by electing Mamy Rakotoarivelo on top of the transitional convention. The Ravalomanana sphere cannot expect any gain for lack of majority. Its representatives kept away from the upper chamber in order to denounce the repeated violations of the roadmap and the lack of consensus.

Transitional Parliament: the dilemma for the Ravalomanana sphere


After a second political putsch against the agreement signed in Maputo, here is that the Rajoelina sphere confiscating power after the signature of the SADC´s roadmap. After imposing its choices and fiercely defending some of the “national unity” government´s interests, the HAT recovered all of its illegitimate power within the CST by keeping in control of its presidency and claiming 5 out of the permanent office´s 6 seats. 

The CST members stemming from the Ravalomanana sphere challenged the violation of the roadmap. They stayed away from the so named council but didn’t resign. Hanitra Razafimanantsoa denounced the UDR-TGV´s way to recover its domination. “All political agreements deal before the roadmap are cancelled, they were dealt in accordance with rules going back to 2010 “, she fustigated.  The regulation in question was imposed by the time by the Rajoelina sphere. 

According to Hanitra Razafimanantsoa, the HAT deliberately violates whatever it can in order to get a ratification of the roadmap: “only this ratification matters for the HAT, they didn’t respect all of the procedures “. The Ravalomanana sphere regretted the lack of national unity within the CST. “As legalistic militant, I cannot close the eyes over violations of the roadmap “, pleaded Mrs. Razafimanantsoa. In order not to legitimize any of the HAT´s maneuvers, the Ravalomanana sphere consequently decided to keep away from the elections of the CST commission members, from these commissions´ jobs, and from ratifying the roadmap. The sphere is expecting for the troika to tell the HAT off. 

Mamy Rakotoarivelo, the cover up,  

One day after revealing the crushing domination of the TGV-UDR in the CST, the Rajoelina sphere strained to alleviate its effects by electing Mamy Rakotoarivelo as head of the Convention of the transition. With only 30 voices, the chief of the Ravalomanana sphere´s delegation cannot expect to weight that much against the armada of the Rajoelina sphere´s disciples. In the end, Mamy Rakotoarivelo won his position with 184 voices out of 354. “I am the president of the transitional council, I work for you members of the transitional council, I am bound to engage talks for the institution´s sake “, he declared. 

“The first thing to do is the ratification of the roadmap as the fundamental law that governs the country. Could the parliament fail to ratify it, it would go down and so would the rest of the national unity transition”, announced the new president of the Convention. The year 2012´s budget and the implementation of the roadmap are deemed to be addressed by the lower chamber. “The social and political appeasements and the amnesty are all part of the roadmap, my incentive to push for its ratification is in no way personal” he argued. 

The president of the CT nearly apologizes for addressing the issue. Mamy Rakotoarivelo is conscious of his political weakness. His power is actually no real power. His adversary of the day, Voninahitsy Jean Eugène was disappointed but not despaired. “My friends of the alliance, the TGV and the UDR should have supported my candidacy but they preferred a corrupted deal “, he declared. This speech cost him 50 precious votes and the victory over Mamy Rakotoarivelo. “Today, we might have gone two different paths but tomorrow one will always be together “, predicted the one who promised the absolute parliamentary immunity to the members of the transitional council. The Rajoelina sphere does not lose the absolute majority. The election of Rakotoarivelo Mamy is merely symbolic shadow of consensus which has no impact over the balance of power.