Wednesday , 1 May 2024
Antananarivo city has been learning to get used to heavily armed soldiers wandering not far from demonstrators often armed with nothing simple darts. Now that March 17th is past, entire green machine divisions are back in the capital city streets.

Unbelievable means deployed against the capital city’s demonstrators

 Antananarivo’s barracks must certainly have run out of riot equipment (helmets, clubs and shields). The drought must be so accurate that brave soldiers facing up to the capital city streets’ demonstrators are compelled to resort to simple AK 47 rifles, mustn’t it? It has not been the first ever security forces’ deployment through the streets with weapons of mass destruction. 

In order to intimidate demonstrators, elements of the Special Intervention Forces devoted to the transitional leadership, even paraded in Anosy, RPGs in hands. 

Everything is allowed to the HAT for the sake of deterring its political adversaries. The security forces’ used means, however, look a little bit excessive compared to the threat’s extent. Opponents demonstrating in the streets against their masters are mostly vulnerable family mothers and elders in their fifty or sixty. The others lost their jobs and have to fight starvation in priority.