Sunday , 19 May 2024
When choosing to keep his Prime minister in charge, Andry Rajoelina accepted the poisoned gift poisoned from his supporters and allies who found nothing better than proposing the general Camille Vital anew. It is not the HAT´s first attempt to erect an arguably consensus government by corrupting other spheres´figures. Undercover of Dr. Simao´s draft, the dictating authority merely reshuffled its government its way.

Vital government 2: a unilateral consensus deciphered

Only nine ones from Vital´s first staff have been kept in charge. They were this time around clearly chosen by the prime minister, who denies having any link with the TGV party. The general did however not take the risk to offend his army counterparts, although the military committee, an official institution of the TGV transition, hinted that the army would not propose any name for a position in the consensus government. 

The alliance between Rajoelina and the army is thereupon preserved. The government’s generals are kept in charge. Lucien Rakotoarimasy at national Defense department, Pascal Rajaonarison at the public Healthcare department, Herilanto Raveloarison a the environment department, Randrianazary as state secretary for State police. Only Lt Colonel Georget Mandehatsara was out. His achievement of having been part of the young officers to have rallied Andry Rajoelina during the putsch process did not influence the odds. 

The Rajoelina sphere asked for the ministers empowered on the place of May 13th, but Camille Vital merely kept those he was needing in charge. So, Nadine Ramaroson is able to carry as minister, propaganda on for the HAT. The same Justice minister still has to address all of the cases involving the Ravalomanana sphere. 

Hajo Andrianainarivelo represents the typical but alleged TGV technician and calls upon participation into the elections. Following the World Bank´s claps, the technician and expert accountant Hery Rajaonarimampianina remains undisputedly in control of the Finance department. 

From those who contributed to the year 2009`s putsch, one of Radio Viva´s columnists who redefined journalism in Madagascar, Rolly Mercia or Harry Rahajason is rewarded with the Communication ministry. The TGV supportive Julian Reboza enters the executive sphere and takes over from one of Andry Rajoelina`s close relative at the water management ministry. 

Yvette Sylla (Foreign Affairs dept.) enjoys gratitude to her late husband´s key role in the year 2009´s putsch. She represents the parties born with the transition order to earn some “responsibilities” without any electoral legitimacy. 

The Vital II government is equally a government  of deserters. Mamy Ratovomalala (Mining resources management dept.) is now more a new TGV than a former Arema. Jean André Ndremanjary (Sport dept.) supposed to be from the Ratsiraka sphere entered the HPM close to the Zafy sphere before turning into an ally for the TGV. 

The case Pierrot Rajaonarivelo as the government`s number 2 is still a mystery. The MDN is still swaying between the Arema and the Ratsiraka sphere. The general Vital is convinced that appointing physician Elysée Ratsiraka, the former president’s brother, on top of the ministry of energy, would provide an evidence of consensus. 

The Ravalomanana sphere is supposed to be represented by the political formation´s latest corrupted figure. Yves Aime Rakotoarison has no sparkling RÉSUMÉ but remains the government`s number 3, in charge of managing Relations with the institutions. He is being followed by Hery Raharisaina (Fishing resources management dept.) and Rina Andriamandavy (Tourism dept). 

Raharinaivo`s faked TIM party is being represented by Gilbert Ngolo (technical Education dept) and Bary Rafatrolaza (Raising dept). Vy Vato Rakotovao is not appointed on top of the agriculture dept, because of his degree in Trade but rather because he is this virtual party´s SG. 

The consensus in Vital´s way consists in drowning any potential union in order to keep in control. The TGV supportive general also appointed figures personally close to him like Eléonore Raharisoa Johasy (Sport dept). And there are government regulars like Ny Hasina Andriamanjato ( dept. of Post, Telecommunications and New technologies). The appointment of Jean Jacques Rabenirina on top of the long term propaganda tool, the national education, would mean that the AVI might join the TGV in the presidential race.