Saturday , 18 May 2024

A spot of the security stake in the capital city



    Since the beginning of this year 2009, the agencies proposing security services have been increasingly growing throughout the capital city. The only problem is the price to pay which cannot be afforded by as many people as expected. The “middle class” insures its own security by itself against potential robberies. Although, the shooting up number of security agencies is a concerning sign of the critical security climate.  

    Newspapers report events as a raid recently operated by robbers on a grocery store somewhere in the capital city suburbs. In the future residential districts, namely Ambohibao-Antehiroka-Antalamohitra districts, outlaws raided a residence between the end of November and the beginning of December, and relapsed again on the following day. The district’s inhabitants consequently pulled the red alarm, and decided to clear for action each in his own way. 

    Some rather luxurious residences have subsequently been adorned with iron grids and barb wires, purchased from the closest security agencies. Some other residences even paid for high profile security services: cams, laser alarms… For those whose more moderate means cannot afford such sophistications, doors and windows have been secured with more traditional devices: locks, metal bars, chains… 

   Security issues are in no way restricted to those districts; they have to be dealt with almost everywhere in the capital city. More or less comfortable families, supermarkets and small grocery stores, everyone is concerned. This insecurity climate can create nothing but more social trauma. Each and every one of us is been advised to reinforce his security as best as possible. It is now the worthy citizen’s paramount duty.