Friday , 3 May 2024
The Opposition decided to tackle on the implementation of the crisis settlement process´ roadmap. After the outbreak of indignation related to the choice of the new Prime Minister, Omer Beriziky, former president Marc Ravalomanana´s sphere gave way to common ground, not the least without vivid talks.

The Ravalomanana sphere putting a cabinet members list forth

The palace of Mahazoarivo received from the Opposition on November 10th a list of candidates likely to integrate the incoming cabinet. The Ravalomanana sphere´s Mamy Rakotoarivelo emphasized that talks between his sphere´s leader and Marius Fransman, the South African vice minister, are the ones directing the implementation of the roadmap. The Albert Zafy sphere proposed the new Prime Minister in Antananarivo. Both spheres produced a single common list this time around, and expect some ten positions within the next cabinet