Saturday , 18 May 2024
In spite of growing and insistent claim for parity into senior positions in every political institution, Malagasy women still happen to make quite a small minority at the forefront of the national news. The year 2012’s moment of glory undoubtedly belongs to Beatrice Atallah, President of the transitional electoral commission CENIT. In 2012, a certain competition Rakotomavo vs. Rakotomavo developed as well between Lanto Rakotomavo, from the TGV sphere and Hanitra Rakotomavo, from the Ravalomanana sphere.

The Women of the year 2012

Beatrice Attalah

The President of the Transitional Independent National Electoral Commission completed the first mission entrusted to her with success when issuing a decent schedule for the year 2013’s elections. In spite of boosting the ruling power’s political expectations, the agency so far still in charge of the organization of elections succeeded where its previous staff failed when working the year 2010’s referendum, namely in building up a better image of neutrality. The charisma and personality of Beatrice Attalah, its current president led the CENI to the recovery of some credit. The voter registration process used to be a major and difficult challenge. In the end, the electoral register is deemed to have about 12 millions names of citizens old enough to cast votes. Fortune proves diametrically different when it comes to collect financial support from abroad into the international fund basket. The CENIT as such is however less to be blamed for this failure than the current political stand clearly repelling foreign backers.

Lanto Rakotomavo

The president of newly born TGV party did not capture the focus in the transitional Superior Council, but directly on air when producing the following speech: our leader is allowed to run the electoral race, and our opponent cannot. Lanto Rakotomavo, enjoying the same cult of personality created and granted to her leader, provided a TGV party which still lacks credibility on the national level with a larger presence . However, Lanto Rakotomavo remains very unlikely to become a candidate in the presidential election if Andry Rajoelina ever made his mind up, consented to keep his word, for once, and kept out of the race.

Hanitra Rakotomavo Razafimanantsoa

When she does not defend the members of her political movement in court, Mrs. Hanitra Razafimanantsoa steps into the political arena in quality of opposition leader. Turned into a full time politician, the lawyer’s mission to defend Ravalomanana, his rights and his interests, progressively loses in priority. Her aura and charisma drive some observers to believe her to be a potential runner up in the incoming presidential election… even if she immediately replied loud and clear “no”.

Fatma Samoura

The United Nations’ Resident Coordinator called upon Malagasy politicians to reach a settlement and put an end to the crisis once for all. Fatma Samoura represents the international community’s commitment to support the electoral process in Madagascar as well as the country’s recovery of constitutional order. But still, even she will find it hard to bring the international partners to release the $ 71 million required by the electoral process.

Louisette Raharimalala

She is one of the extremly few women who dared the odds and openly challenged the transitional ruling power and its deeds. Louisette Raharimalala criticized both the men in charge and the system. She once used to be seduced by a presidential ambition as well. In the end, the former parliamentarian representative of Bekily engaged on a more social than political path. Her association MAVANA is not a pure component of the civil society for so much, and actually happens to be supportive of a political party. Louisette Raharimalala denounced abuses, summary executions and the arsons perpetrated by the armed forces in the run of the Operation Tandroka in the southern part of the island. She was entitled to deterrents and warnings from security and army department’s senior officials in response.

Onitiana Realy

The TV PLUS channel’s best reporter has risen up towards the upper spheres of her career in 2012. This private channel became the main witness and the guardian of the memory of political and social events which have been developing in Madagascar, particularly in the run of the outbreak of the crisis. She does not hesitate to confront politicians with their commitments or promises. The TV PLUS channel presents by far the best achievement in terms of coverage and deserves the title of key player into the promotion of democracy. Onitiana Realy is an opinion leader planning to tackle a campaign expected to inspire the understanding of democracy into each and every citizen. The documentary “Ten years, two crises” provides a foretaste of her wishes.