Wednesday , 15 May 2024
Nosy Be island has rarely been through any spookier story before. Three individuals suspected of organ trafficking have succumbed to street justice. The mob stormed the state police station in which they were held in custody and slew the three concerned suspects, among the a French and a French-Italian nationals. Live pictures are already streaming across social networks. Hundreds of state policemen sent in reinforcement to the northern island of Madagascar ever since and have been proceeding to twenty arrests so far.

20 ones under arrest in Nosy Be

For the time being, the investigation essentially focuses on the slaughter of the three individuals suspected of organ trafficking. The French foreign affairs ministry’s spokesman expressed his confidence into the Malagasy Justice’s competence in this issue. A flow of state police reinforcement in the area has been leading to the continuation of the investigation as reflected by the increasing number of suspects under arrest. Still, Nosy Be island’s inhabitants happen to be more curious to know why no in depth investigation of the organ trafficking issue has been tackled yet. The triggering event was the disappearing of a child, found dead a little later on, a murder for which the three individuals slain by the mob were held responsible. The investigation’s focus lays elsewhere though.