Friday , 17 May 2024
Andry Rajoelina does not give a damn about objections formulated by the HAT`s opponents and the international community in relation with a transitional regime`s prerogatives. He simply engages Madagascar in big contracts with foreign partners. China and France are the ones getting the lion´s share in this transitional period, and not the Middle Orient, as basically stated in the run of the rise to power.

Big international contracts for large scale projects during the transition



Blind globalization and wild capitalism is recovering the upper hand over diplomacy, democracy and international reciprocal care. Andry Rajoelina`s first argument for the next  series of elections is a necklace of large scales constructions serving an economic renewal: “an efficient governance which has been enabling us to tackle new projects in this country since 20 months, take a stand” he said. Let`s see that.

The call to bids for the rebuild of the SIRAMA state corporation has been renewed. The Chinese are on pole position. Andry Rajoelina only stated that the factory`s next bosses were there as he was casting his pre electoral show in the Sports`palace. “We are re-launching the SIRAMA in order to provide cheap sugar to the Malagasy people. A ton of sugar internationally costs 600 dollars, it means that we`ll be able to sell a kilogram for 6000 franks when the local production is started”, an expected 50% reduction in sight.

Maths are appearing quite easy when the HAT leader is addressing the cement production: “We are going to build the Indian Ocean`s largest cement factory, one bag is costing 22,000 Ariary since we are importing 200 to 300 thousand tons. In a year, we`ll be selling a bag for 14,000 Ariary”. Local manufacturers HOLCIM and MALOCI may begin to shudder. Compared to the scheme presented by Rajoelina, the factory located in Ambohimanambola is a dwarf one. Constructions are expected to start before the end of 2010.

Madagascar is equally expected to be launched in a large scale building program by Rajoelina`s signature of deals with foreign partners concerning the serial construction of cheap houses, in the run of his “trano mora” campaign. One week and modern technology are enough to turn out a single and comfortable house dimmed to be rented by young parents of less than 35 years old for 150,000 Ariary per months during 5 years and a half, apparently a bargain!

China and France are still on pole in the transportation field. Andry Rajoelina is “intending to refresh the Air Madagascar airliner`s fleet”, good perspectives for AIRBUS. Strong message from the authoritarian leadership to the United States, now that the national airline company, so far one of Boeing`s loyal partners is being forced to give allegiance to the partly French aircraft manufacturer. Concerning urban transportation, the authority leader has not yet decided whether a tram or a subway would be built in Antananarivo. A tram is more likely to come true, if ever. For the funny note, his supporters who joined Mahamasina were chanting TGV, TGV, TGV when discovering the train project map.