Thursday , 16 May 2024
Madagascar can count on the richness of its biodiversity to attract foreign visitors. But one needs to watch for and better develop this richness.

Biodiversity, an undeniable opportunity for Madagascar

“A 5 stars nature”, “A capital with the service of ecology”…  Many expressions were used to praise the richnesses of the Malagasy biodiversity.  Lemurs of Madagascar, who doesn’t know them?  But undoubtedly few people had the possibility of seeing them.  They are however at range of sight in the various national parks of the Large Island, which are rich in endemicity of fauna and flora.  In an interview granted to the magazine Go to Madagascar, the president adviser in ecotourism declared :  “the culture, the traditions, the beaches, the hotels are certainly very significant, but the major element which makes the particularity of Madagascar compared to the rest of the world is its nature”.  One must care to still better develop this richness.