Saturday , 18 May 2024
Due to a "LEAK" we now know the date of the next election.

Présidentiel election will take placeon the 3rd december 2006

The wait is over; we now know the date for the presidential election. It will take place on the 3rd December. The Tribune writes,? The next presidential election will take place on 3rd of December, according to information received from the High Constitutional Court (HCC) after receiving the deposition of our chief officer. This formal decision by the High Court (HCC) finally sets the exact date for the presidential vote. Despite claims and ultimatums issued by certain presidential candidates at Iavoloha, the countdown is now officially ON for the presidential race. Midi for its part specifies, this election will take place earlier due to our always risky climactic conditions. ?Taking note of the fact that the official deposition by the head of government is within regulatory process, the HCC., in accord with article 47 of our constitutional law, recognizes that the preoccupation of the population with our climate (cyclone season) hope the earlier date will tend toward a certain improvement in increased participation of the population in the electoral process and will thus balance equally for all candidates.?   From Ambohidahy (HCC), ?To hold the election 20 days earlier does not constitute a prorogation of the constitutional mandate of the present president of the Republic. The purpose of the earlier date is to facilitate the process rather than to cause hardship and given the acceptable theory of better weather with an earlier date, there exists already constitutional jurisprudence to support this belief. ?