Sunday , 19 May 2024
After transformation, l?Avenue de la gare of Anstirabe is a place for magic moments.

Antsirabe : rebirth of the train station avenue

The peaceful train station avenue has always been a place for a walk. Now its transformation, after works of rehabilitation and cleaning, is completed and gives the avenue a more attractive aspect. For those which did not wish to spend a long time in the town of Antsirabe, located at 170 kilometers south of the capital, the avenue is still and again an ideal place for a promendae, on foot, by car, with a rickshaw or even by horse. The surrounding buildings style recalls the colonial past of the city. But this same avenue is also a witness of the independence with its imposing stele which indicates the joy of the Madagascans of having his national anthem. It gives a panoramic sight on the hill of Ivohitra.