Saturday , 18 May 2024
The Saïfee is the name of this new hotel which just opened in Tulear.

The 46th hotel opens in Toliara

“It required six years to get built and meet the necessary standards” says the owner, a local businessman. The 2 stars establishment is located at the heart of the city and already started to accomodate the first customers. The “Saïfee” is henceforth the 46e hotel in activity in the capital of the South-west region of the Large Island. It counts around 20 rooms. The Southern axis is, since a few years now, one of the routes foreign tourists prefer. The opening of this new hotel in Toliara coincides with the proximity of the touristic season. For the months to come, 70% of the hotel rooms are already reserved. The creation of a hotel establishment is thus always welcome, and makes it possible to the travellers to have a little more choices for their Malagasy ground stay.