Saturday , 4 May 2024
Visual arts are again on the street of Antananarivo. The open sky exhibition called “Hosotra” is currently held on the old market place of Analakely.

Painting exhibition on the esplanade of Analakely

It is already the ninth edition of this open sky exhibition on Analakely, in the heart of the Malagasy capital, Antananarivo. This time, 93 painters expose their work on this famous marketplace. Some 130 paintings which reflect scenes of everyday life are exposed on the esplanade of Analakely. Hundreds of visitors were already recorded as of the first days of the demonstration. The exhibit is programmed form the 7th to August 31st, in collaboration with the town hall of the capital. “Hosotra” is indeed an occasion of walking down the esplanade of Analakely newly rewaped for the “island games”.