Saturday , 18 May 2024
More and more citizens of the capital, Antananarivo, are moving to this quiete village nearby.

Alasora, a village in transformation

Located southeast of the capital, Alasora is a rural commune, which is attracting more and more the inhabitants of Antananarivo in particular because of the price of land still available. Houses are built in large numbers along the traditional houses made of red mud. The transformation is under way, but the flavour of rural areas is still well entrenched. The majority of the people of Alasora are still farmers. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, the king Andrinampoinimerina won Alasora with the ultimate goal of unifying the Kingdom of central Madagascar. Today, a newly constructed road and the proximity to the “by-pass” roads linking 2 and 7 still contribute to a growing interest on the town of Alasora.