Sunday , 5 May 2024
On the following day after the terrifying fire that wrecked the tourist village of Foulpointe, the authorities are working at full steam in order not to let the destination die down. The reconstruction of homes is a priority to erase scenes of desolation as early as possible.

Mayor Volahy Edouard is asking tourists not to abandon Foulpointe



Life goes on in Foulpointe, the town rose form its nightmare with gleam of hope. Hotel buildings, including bungalows located all along the beach have been spared by the fire. “Tourists must not abandon Foulpointe”, said mayor Volahy Gaston Edouard. 70% of the tourist village has been destroyed. The village’s side which is regrouping most establishments usually dedicated to foreign tourists, has not been hit by fire. 

Mayor Volahy Gaston Edouard greeted the intervention of the firemen coming from Toamasina. The economic capital city’s harbour and airport had sent tankers and firemen to turn the fire down. The fire destroyed 550 cabins, most of which were made of wood and raffias. Even larger buildings didn’t resist. About hundred shops, boutiques and small inns also burned down. 

The president of the HAT travelled to Foulpointe on Tuesday, in order to bring the first state help. An amount of 50 millions of ariary has been offered to the population. The national Office of management of the risks and natural disasters sent supplies for 10 days. About 2800 homeless people have been held in account. Construction materials are also being brought to help the inhabitants to rebuild new cabins and houses. 

On Monday, at nearly 10h30, one hotel’s holidaymakers triggered the fire which wrecked Fuolpointe. The family was having a small celebration before the departure and made a barbecue. Then someone poured gas in the vehicle nearby. The drama was unavoidable. The car took fire, and then exploded, but the family in question had the time to flee. The flames reached the hotel’s bungalows before spreading from home to home. A violent wind and the proximity of cabins definitely allowed the fire to unleash itself.