Sunday , 19 May 2024
Two young women reported dead during this month of October. The Lebanese paradise promised by recruitment agencies to Malagasy workers proves to be closer to hell than expected. Let us lift the prohibition on the Calvary undergone by these female workers, gone in an unknown and faraway country to push their luck in expectation of 150 dollars per month.

Lebanon: the Eldorado ends up in tragic death for two Malagasy youngsters


The Lebanese adventure ended in a graveyard for Vololona and Mampionona. There are many similarities between both of these young and broke ladies. They were both young mothers, and both of them left everything to work abroad. And they both died in the same way: fallen from several floors. Concerning Mampionona, the work accident thesis is advanced. She would have fallen from the third floor while washing the windows. This version has been confirmed by the agency based in Madagascar. 

The full story is not as so simple. Departed for Lebanon not that long ago, on September 01st, Mampionona had regular phone line contacts with her family. The young 21 years old mother loved to reassure her mother, and even sent her money. She only said that the work is hard, that she slept very late and that she sometimes worked until 02am. Her family has not yet been told a thing about the repatriation of the body. It is expecting it to happen soon since another girl passed away in Lebanon has just been repatriated. 

Mampionona used to entrust the hell of her daily existence to one of her uncles. Being a housemaid in Lebanon is physically and psychologically gruelling. Washing windows from the third floor necessarily causes dizziness when doing so while being stressed, overtired and burnt out, hence the accident thesis. Her family is asking for explanations. It is expecting more information, documents concerning this tragedy as a forensic or police report. 

 Vololona’s death circumstances are less clear. She has also been the victim of a lethal drop, but from the fourth floor. The recruitment agencies based in Lebanon reported that it was a suicide. The information is far too light to ease the family’s pain. Although, it is playing a rather low profile. The body has arrived on Sunday, and has already been recovered. 

Following these two extensively mediatized deaths, stories of bad treatments inflicted upon Malagasy workers in Lebanon are blossoming. The recruitment agencies are striving to lower tensions by confirming that they are always ready to take suitable measures in case of complaint from workers. No clear measure has been specified; the partner agency based in Lebanon can, all for most, convene the plaintiff in its office, provide it another employer if need be. In Madagascar, the agencies are informed of such bad treatments: wage retention by the boss, food denial, seldom cases of rape or physical violence… 

Lebanon is an Eldorado for young girls from hot districts or modest family. They have no education in majority, a BEPC all for most and no qualification either. They are rarely speaking French fluently. These workers are attracted by a monthly wage of 150 dollars which, once converted in ariary, worth 4 times the Malagasy standard minimum salary. There were 4000 candidates to the departure in 2009. Their contract is controlled by the Ministry for Labour and the Madagascar based Lebanon’s consulate. The tragic death of Mampionona and Vololona has definitely scraped the Middle Eastern dream’s reputation. Other deaths would have previously occurred; the low profile wanted by families is, however, quite to the recruitment agencies’ liking.