Saturday , 18 May 2024
Did the HAT put its money on the right horse when trying to pressure the opponent Raymond Ranjeva? Nowaday´s justice condemned Riana Ranjeva, the international magistrate´s daughter, to a one month jail sentence with probation. The “probation” is coming too late. The condemnation of this pregnant woman for a minor incident has ruined what is left from the HAT´s reputation furthermore

Case Riana Ranjeva: probation for the sake of veiling an excessive arbitrary jail sentence





Riana Ranjeva was accused of insulting police forces. She arguably excessively reacted at the investigators´”incompetence”, as they were searching the Ranjeva clan´s home. The investigators based their operation on allegations, according to which the professor´s name would have been linked to documents recovered at a rebelling officer´s, but found nothing incriminating for so much.

The dictating authority has been criticized for having held Riana Ranjeva in custody, without any consideration for her advanced pregnancy. Colonel Richard Ravalomanana, the HAT´s mister law and order, argued that the temporary detention was the logical response to the potential danger represented by the suspect for the investigation, and for her own self, namely flight, destruction of incriminating proofs.

Former President Albert Zafy condemned Riana Ranjeva´s jail sentence, and denounced a violation of human rights by estimating that holding a pregnant woman in custody for having challenged security forces was despicable. The professor frontally attacked the authoritarian regime systematically throwing its opponents into jail: “how do they dare jailing people when their own hands are dirty”

Colonel Ravalomanana did confirm though, that he would be bound to let her get away with it. So why condemning Ranjeva´s daughter, if not in order to pressure the father, who previously got temporary release? For having dared to criticize and publicly oppose Andry Rajoelina´s unilateral settlement, and proposed an alternative for the nation, Raymond Ranjeva is guilty of crime against the HAT.

Riana Ranjeva fell sick in prison and therefore was allowed to join the hospital. She appeared top fit when she reached the tribunal. Could the sickness have been a trick in order to frighten the authorities? The future mother is, for the time being, the HAT´s most famous political imprisoned enemy, despite her short stay behind bars.

“do keep silent if you can´t  bear the feedback”; this famed sentenced belongs to a HAT colonel and was uttered in the run of Ambroise Ranivoson´s arrest. The “Uncle” has withered ever since, good job colonel! If you´re pregnant, do equally think twice before challenging the ruling power