Tuesday , 7 May 2024
A new group of reporters caught sight of the sunlight in the Malagasy capital city, namely the Union of Malagasy Journalists for Human Rights (local UJMDH). Its general assembly agreed on an official statute and elected Mrs. Matavimana Ravao Georgine, reporter for the Malagasy national TV channel (TVM) as first president of the UJMDH. She is equally Pilaza Joreh, the current general secretary at the transitional communication ministry. The UJMDH expects close cooperation with the other associations pushing for the respect and the defense of human rights in Madagascar. Theodor Ernest, reporter for the ACEEM radio channel, was elected as the new group’s vice president

Foundation of the brand new Union of Malagasy Journalists for Human Rights

A new group of reporters caught sight of the sunlight in the Malagasy capital city, namely the Union of Malagasy Journalists for Human Rights (local UJMDH). Its general assembly agreed on an official statute and elected Mrs. Matavimana Ravao Georgine, reporter for the Malagasy national TV channel (TVM) as first president of the UJMDH. She is equally Pilaza Joreh, the current general secretary at the transitional communication ministry. The UJMDH expects close cooperation with the other associations pushing for the respect and the defense of human rights in Madagascar. Theodor Ernest, reporter for the ACEEM radio channel, was elected as the new group’s vice president