Sunday , 19 May 2024

Corruption in Madagascar: 2 civil servants out of 3 are corrupted

Every year, Transparency International publishes its corruption perception rating. And each year, Madagascar’s rank in that rating is worsening. According to this year’s official rating which was published last week, Madagascar is ranked 118th out of the 176 countries and territories investigated. Such ranking means that the Big Island is the 118th less corrupted country in the world.

This year, this international NGO fighting against corruption adopted a new method while assessing corruption in different countries worldwide. For instance, the newly-adopted method allows for the comparison of a particular year’s rating to its preceding one. As for Madagascar, such comparison could be established. Yet, it is impossible to know which particular service is the most corrupted this year compared to the previous one. For 2012, Transparency International reported that 68% of the local administration is affected by corruption. In other words, Transparency International asserts that 2 civil servants out of 3 are corrupted.