Saturday , 18 May 2024

Possibility of self-sufficiency in rice for Madagascar thanks to the Alaotra Mangoro Region

Problems relating to rice supply have always existed in Madagascar, especially during the period before harvest time. During that period, Madagascar is often obliged to resort to importing rice from countries like India or Pakistan. However, Madagascar can become independent in terms of food, especially rice, thanks to the Alaotra Mangoro Region which is rice granary of the country.

According to statistical figure, the Alaotra Mangoro Region produces up to 150 000 tonnes of rice per year. Such figure shows that Madagascar is supposed to be self-sufficient in the production of rice. But as stated by René Randriamiandrisoa, President of the peasants’ coalition in the Region of Alaotra Mangoro, self-sufficiency in rice will never be attained unless Malagasy operators don’t export 2/3 of the local rice production on the international market.

Indeed, the Malagasy rice is highly demanded on the international market for its good quality. As a result of the exportation, there is a serious lack of supplies for local consumption. Hence, the government is obliged to import low quality rice to bridge up the gap. Trying to find out sustainable solutions to the problem of rice supply in Madagascar, the Coalition of Peasants of Madagascar organized a two-day general assembly at Falda, Antanimena, during which they drew an assessment of their activities of this year and drafted future objectives.